wrapscanby polywrap


Client library for the IPFS HTTP API

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type Module @imports(
  types: [
) {
    cid: String!
    ipfsProvider: String!
    timeout: UInt32
    catOptions: CatOptions
  ): Bytes!

    cid: String!
    ipfsProvider: String!
    timeout: UInt32
    resolveOptions: ResolveOptions
  ): ResolveResult!

    data: FileEntry!
    ipfsProvider: String!
    timeout: UInt32
    addOptions: AddOptions
  ): AddResult!

    data: DirectoryEntry!
    ipfsProvider: String!
    timeout: UInt32
    addOptions: AddOptions
  ): [AddResult!]!

    data: Blob!
    ipfsProvider: String!
    timeout: UInt32
    addOptions: AddOptions
  ): [AddResult!]!

type CatOptions {
  offset: Int32
  length: Int32

type AddOptions {
  pin: Boolean
  onlyHash: Boolean
  wrapWithDirectory: Boolean

type ResolveOptions {
  recursive: Boolean
  dhtRecordCount: Int32
  dhtTimeout: String

type ResolveResult {
  cid: String!
  provider: String!

type AddResult {
  name: String!
  hash: String!
  size: String!

type FileEntry {
  name: String!
  data: Bytes!

type DirectoryEntry {
  name: String!
  directories: [DirectoryEntry!]
  files: [FileEntry!]

type Blob {
  directories: [DirectoryEntry!]
  files: [FileEntry!]

### Imported Modules START ###

type Http_Module @imported(
  uri: "wrapscan.io/polywrap/http@1.0",
  namespace: "Http",
  nativeType: "Module"
) {
    url: String!
    request: Http_Request
  ): Http_Response

    url: String!
    request: Http_Request
  ): Http_Response

### Imported Modules END ###

### Imported Objects START ###

type Http_Request @imported(
  uri: "wrapscan.io/polywrap/http@1.0",
  namespace: "Http",
  nativeType: "Request"
) {
  headers: Map @annotate(type: "Map<String!, String!>")
  urlParams: Map @annotate(type: "Map<String!, String!>")
  responseType: Http_ResponseType!
  The body of the request. If present, the `formData` property will be ignored.
  body: String
      An alternative to the standard request body, 'formData' is expected to be in the 'multipart/form-data' format.
If present, the `body` property is not null, `formData` will be ignored.
Otherwise, if formData is not null, the following header will be added to the request: 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'.
  formData: [Http_FormDataEntry!]
  timeout: UInt32

type Http_FormDataEntry @imported(
  uri: "wrapscan.io/polywrap/http@1.0",
  namespace: "Http",
  nativeType: "FormDataEntry"
) {
  FormData entry key
  name: String!
  If 'type' is defined, value is treated as a base64 byte string
  value: String
  File name to report to the server
  fileName: String
  MIME type (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types). Defaults to empty string.
  type: String

type Http_Response @imported(
  uri: "wrapscan.io/polywrap/http@1.0",
  namespace: "Http",
  nativeType: "Response"
) {
  status: Int!
  statusText: String!
  headers: Map @annotate(type: "Map<String!, String!>")
  body: String

enum Http_ResponseType @imported(
  uri: "wrapscan.io/polywrap/http@1.0",
  namespace: "Http",
  nativeType: "ResponseType"
) {

### Imported Objects END ###

### Imported Envs START ###

### Imported Envs END ###